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PROmesh Managed Industrial Switches


Why are PROmesh switches preferred versus conventional industrial switches?

A modern industrial switch can do much more than just distribute data packets in the best possible way across the (plant) network. Due to their central location in individual network sections, industrial switches are ideal for supporting maintenance and ensuring plant availability.

Condition monitoring and diagnosis without additional measuring devices

Each industrial switch processes the incoming data signals in order to pass them on to the correct receiver. In addition to the conventional transmitter-receiver assignment, PROmesh switches analyse incoming signals, similar to the well-known PROFINET-INspektor® NT. This enables permanent status monitoring of the communication quality and signal strength. Changes and anomalies can thus be easily seen and checked at an early stage - before communication or processes are affected.

Reliable diagnostic data from the very first second

PROmesh switches are also capable of identifying common sources of interference. Whether sporadic EMC load, network load peaks or damaged data lines - if an anomaly is noticed by PROmesh or your maintenance department, initial diagnostic data is already available - without manual measurement effort. This saves you time and money in critical troubleshooting.

Promesh P-Series

Condition Monitoring and Network Diagnosis with Intelligent Industrial Switches

Promesh represents the first product series of high-performance "diagnostic industrial switches". For the first time, the symbiosis of network performance, diagnostics and monitoring unites the demands of modern electro-construction and effective, predictive maintenance of automation and industrial plants. Discover the advantages of Promesh!

  • Integrated network monitoring functions with notification
    Keep an eye on the status of your system or network section - seamlessly, traceable at all times

  • Integrated diagnostic functions
    Localise fault sources - without additional measuring devices or loss of time due to manual measuring efforts

  • Performance-oriented industrial switch technology
    Ready for future-oriented requirements for the increasing data volume in ever more complex machine/hall networks

  • Integrated web interface
    Enjoy full access to monitoring and diagnostic data - even without additional software

Promesh B-Series

Industrial Managed Switches for High Performance Network Communication


  • PROFINET Certified
    According to Conformance Class B and GSDML file

  • Ethernet/IP certified with ESD file

  • Performance-oriented industrial switching technology
    Ready for future demands for increasing data volumes in increasingly complex machine/hall networks

  • Integrated web interface
    Complete switch management – ​​even without additional software

US Owned & Operated

Telephone: 629-333-0057


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© 2024 by PROmesh, LLC  - Nashville, TN, USA 

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